WE spent today at Miquelon Lake.....Christie came with us and it was really good to catch up with her as I hadn't seen her in so long! The car was CRAMMED full with inflatables, picnic cooler bags, buckets and spades....beach ball...towels and blankets and hammocks!
There was hardly anyone there when we got there but by mid afternoon the beach was filling up.............but not as busy as the weekend.
Sam had so much fun in the water....I did too...yes I was swimming too :) had no choice really as Christie SOAKED me lol! Laurie was the first one in. Susies frined came wwith us and the girls were swimming and playing with the inflatables.....
WE had a picnic lunch - Christie laughed that it was such an English lunch because I made cheese and cucumber sandwiches :) by the time we ate most if it was filled with sand...
Both Chris and I got buried in sand.....they tried to turn Chris into a mermaid and then Christie and Laurie molded boobs and 'mens bits' so not sure what it was then lol! I will add the pics from my camera phone - I didn't take my camera with me.
It was a fun day :) I am exhausted and my face is a little red from the sun and the breeze....but I think everyone had a great time :)
Thanks for joining us Christie - it was great to catch up with you :)