Chris on the top of 'Miriams Mound'
(Being a 16 year year old he of course found this hilarious and made numerous comments about being on Miriams Mound -comments which made his 14 year old brother we of course took this picture of him and called him the nipple on Miriams Mound....):
Laurence with the cache that we found at Miriams Mound:

We followed the exact same trail back to the car BUT on the way back out we came across these fresh prints. They were HUGE - much bigger than a dogs!!! Not sure what they were from but there have been numerous reports of wolf sightings in the area lately....probably not but not sure......any thoughts what animal they are???? I don't think they are bear prints as they are the wrong shape....and far too big to be a normal dog...we didn't see anything but we wonder if anything saw us ;) There was a LOT of fresh animal poop along the trail of all shapes and sizes so we knew there was all kinds of animals in the area - it was a beautiful trail! We didn't see anyone else around at all:

Can you see the bridge in the far distance?? (click on the picture to enlarge it if you like) It is where the road is and where we left our car to walk to Miriams Mound to find the geocache!! At the far end of the lake. Miriams Mound is the name given to the KAME (a cone shaped pile of stone left by a glacier) by the couple who put the cache there - they named it after their Granddaughter.
The view from the top of the Kame was amazing - but it was very high and very narrow on the top and the boys were threatening to push me off!!! Lol:
The bridhe where the car was parked, that you can see from the kame above: