Today is not a good day in this household.....we are all VERY grumpy and tired and irritable..............we were in the centre of a nasty thunder storm last night for several hours (think strobe lighting, loud thunder, high winds, hail and lightening hitting ther field behind our house, the field at the side of our house, behind our neighbour Lori's house at the front of us and also not far to ther left of us either...basically circling us but LUCKILY not us or our land......anyway it was bad enough for us to get the kids from their beds and carry them downstairs........the storm had been with us a for a while before the weather network even mentioned it was happening.............
The wind was so bad that the window grills/ mesh thingies got sucked out!!!!
Laura - the storm was right over us for almost the entire evening and it wasn't until VERY late that it moved away..............I took a couple of pictures through the window but when I saw the lightning hit the field behind my house it spooked me and I was scared to go too near the window lol ......especially when we watched the meshy things from the windows get sucked out and blow across the yard.........................so I have two crappy pictures of sheet lightning that I took before going downstairs!!!!
All I kept thinking was that my lovely little house has no protection!!!! And when we had been having dinner the birds around here were acting crazy which kind of freaked us all out to begin with......so many birds and they were acting bizarre and then they vanished!
One good thing though was that we didn't lose power...didn't lose satelite signal for tv and after a quick phone call this morning my internet access was back up and running :)
Anyway......late night = miserable kids and miserable me.......
Today is my Nephews 5th birthday.......so we phoned and said Happy Birthday and Abigail got to sing over speaker phone while in England they were singing and blowing out the candles on the cake so that was perfect timing!
Then Laurence chats with everyone over there and I can't believe the things he is saying.......that he's done nothing lately...that we never do anything.....that he has to do workbooks (????????????????????)
Makes me kind oif wonder why I bother doing anything with them at all :( I know its because he's tired and its his weird middle child way of getting attention and kind of showing off.....but it hurt. I think we do a lot......even on days at home we make things or play games or do stuff outside.......
His best friends parents work all day then come home and go out with their friends...his friends are on their own all the time........................weekdays and weekends...they never seem to even see their parents......
Anyway.....I know its because he's tired and grumpy and I shouldn't take it personally..........
Bed early tonight.......for ALL of us!