All I keep hearing lately is about back to school time............and it all seems so stressful.....and yet again I am left wondering how it got this on earth society sees this as normal......
Worrying about which pre school to choose, what labelled clothes to buy......which supplies to to find the money for school fees, struggling over before and after school care........planning lunches and morning routines..............
This morning on Global they did a section on back to school wear.....he said that it doesn't have to 'break the bank' and then they showed kids dressed head to toe in Diesel and other labels.......and the cool thing now is to leave the sticky labels on the hats!!!!
They asked the child models if they were looking forward to going back to school...two girls said yes but the one boy looked really sad and said 'no not really' and Lorraine gave him a hug and said 'He REALLY isn't looking forward to it'................that poor boy....still two weeks of dread before the big day.
I don't know.........I'm so glad we are out of the whole 'back to school' circus now...that my children can be children and relax and not stress......that our summer can last as long as the good weather lasts....that we have our trip to look forward to once the school kids are back 'inside' lol! And that we can enjoy the library, museums, pools and parks in peace again with likeminded families :)
We have so many plans to look forward many exciting things to do and try and learn.......all at our own pace, in our own time, with the people we choose to be around........thats what childhood should be about!
22 hours ago