Sep 22, 2008


This escorted plane just flew over our house - five minutes ago!!!!! I wonder why it was escorted....and who was in it?????? Air force one?????? Lol ;)

I've never seen an escorted plane of that size before - and so low! We'll have to catch the news later and see if anyone was coming into Edmonton tonight - I can't think of anyone in Canada who flies escorted though. And the plane was flying in a VERY odd direction - I have NEVER seen a plane of that kind fly in that direction before either - they NEVER fly in that direction across our house - it was as if it had special permission to fly in a different flight path to other planes......

Hmmmmmmm??????? We are on the flight paths to Edmonton airport and across to Vancouver but NEVER in this direction!!!

Don't you dare Jasper!!!!

Jasper sat so sweetly - until you look closely and see he's sat sweetly - under the bird feeders lol! All summer long he watched the hummingbhirds but there was no way he was fast enough for those :) The Pine Siskins might not be so quick though - I will be glad when we can move the BBQ back around to the rear deck (which has gone because of the renovations).

Downy's big cousin!

This is our BIG woodpecker who visits.......he is a Hairy Woodpecker..and MUCH bigger than the Downy woodpecker that visits the feeder on our kitchen window ledge. They look almost identical really but this guy is soooo much bigger! Ad noisier! He sits on our roof and shouts PEEP PEEP!!!!!! It's really cute!!!
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