In the pic above they are watching a plane land at the South Cooking Lake Airport just the other side of the lake.......little planes were quietly landing and taking off all afternoon!

Last night I decided to plan a surprise picnic for the children...so I made a load of cheese and cucumber sandwiches, packed the coolbag with juice cartons, carrots and dip, apples etc and got everything ready. This morning I had the girls bake muffins and THEN told them they were for a picnic!
At 1pm after Sam woke up from his nap we headed out for a late lunch. We drove to South Cooking Lake and found a picnic table close to the water......the children played with the ball, ate lunch and had great fun leaping from rock to rock........
After the picnic we took a walk along the lakeshore and through the woods, then headed back towards the truck.......In the truck I had packed paper and pencils, and we all sat and sketched the scenery.......that was really nice!
After the art session we had a drink each and I read a few chapters of Harriet The Spy...the book we are reading together atm.
After playing for a while longer we climbed into the truck and came home.....
The weather was gorgeous....warm and breezy at 21c and we had the place to ourselves for the most part. An old couple with their Daughter were walking around for a while and stopped to chat with us...they asked if we were all one family (lol) and asked how families these days can afford to have so many children. They were asking us if we lived in the village and telling us about the baby geese that were recently there........they complimented the children and me :) and asked where I was from......I told them how I think I sound Canadian now Eh?........but I guess not, I guess I still have my British accent lol!
It was a really nice afternoon!
stupid blogger won't let me add the pics atm.....watch this space!!!!