I am still ill...its gone to my sinuses now.......not pleasant...I won't describe the thick green sludge that is pouring down my throat and blocking my nose.........and the catahry taste I have constantly and the pain my head feels when I cough up all the phlegm..............no, I won't describe that (lol!!!!!!)
Needless to say I am not well. Sam is not well either.......surprisngly everyone else is well.
Lloyd decided I should get out of the house so he bundled me up and took me into town to Starbucks, where I sat huddled over my Maple Macchiato and felt like death.......
I did manage to stroll around Michaels long enough to choose some supplies for our Christmas cards crafting session...................but then it was all too much for me and I collapsed in the passenger seat of Lloyds car exhausted.......
We drove home the long way and called in to see the developments of Aspen Woods and Habitat Acres before heading down the range roads home.
I soaked in a bath with the bubble bath we bought in Shoppers - I was craving Lockets but they don't sell them here :( and then after my bath Lloyd made us soup for lunch...........I have been reading the free issue of the Journal we got in town (Susan there is an article about how Turmeric in the diet can help arthritis....)
I have rested up and drugged myself up and when Lloyd comes in from the workshop we are going for a walk in the snow with the dogs...through the woods to take some pictures............
Yesterday Susannah and Sam made Get Well Soon cards for me! Susannahs said 'To Mom, hope you feel better soon, Love Susie...she does her signature with a little heart at the end of the e.
Her letter is in the pic above! It made me feel better :) Just wish I was able to sled with them today!