My Coreopsis is in bud! This is my Double Coreopsis - I also have another kind that isn't doing as well and I forget the name of it but the foliage is a different colour.....it isn't doing nearly as well though for some reason. It's doing ok but not as big or fast as this one - I don't know, maybe it just isn't supposed to......But this one seems to be doing great! I can't wait for the buds to open and to see what they look like! Watch this space everyone and I will take pictures of the flowers and post them when they open :)
I'm envious of a certain bloggers Lupines by the way!!!! They are stunning!!!!! My Lupine doesn't look as though its going to flower at all this year! Well actually it's Susannahs - she chose it!!! But it doesn't look as though it will flower at all this year - so hopefully it will next year!
None of my seeds came up that I planted so next year I am not going to bother with seeds AT ALL I am just going to buy plants - or maybe I should be more patient - Lloyd said I should start them all indoors but I can't be bothered with all the hassle to be honest! I think why bother - I'd rather pay a little extra and just buy the plants ready to go in the ground! You get what you see and they do great - ALL the plants I buy do fine.....te Lupine will do fine I'm sure....but all the seeds were waste of time....maybe they'll surprise me next year....who knows! but all the perennials I bought this year as plants are doing brilliantly :)