These are the trees!!! I think they are Birch! They grow FAST have narrow silver trunks and shimmery small leaves that look gorgeous in the breeze. In groups they look lovely! You could have teeny ones or big ones - and Lloyd is getting a tree mover in the Spring so can dig up whatever size you want if you decide these are what you want! I took three pictures - an individual tree (top) a row of them (middle) and a group of them (bottom). Hope that helps you show Terry what they look like. But don't worry if they are no good. Spring is definitely the best time to plant trees as it gives them the whole Summer to get their roots nice and strong before the frost. The good thing about these Birch is that they grow fast - these grow several feet a year. But if you wanted mature trees we could dig those up and move them too - not like we have a shortage of them ;)
22 hours ago