Not sure whether this is the exact article I meant to post the other day....but its along the same lines...
I'm not racist but I do have strong feelings about how you should act if you move to another country...I may joke about Canadians putting cheese on everything but for the most part I feel its important to 'live like Canadians' and be proud of Canada sa our new home....we are lucky to live here.....I don't want to turn Canada into a little England....
I guess I just found - living in a highly Asian-populated city in England, that many people moving to Britain refuse to become 'British'...they instead wish to turn England into a financially better version of their homeland...and the government is so scared of offending people that they agree with anything....and now there is very little Great about Great can't even fly the flag without risking offending people.
So I don't think people need to act 'white' to feel British but I do really think people should try to be a little more 'British' if they have chosen to live there.....
If I moved to Quebec I would learn to speak French....but people who move to Britain often refuse to learn to speak English so you have entire cities where all the signs are written in Urdu......
Ok...getting off my soapbox! Its great to see you Daisy! How are you enjoying Summer? I miss our homeschooling Summer from last seemed to go on summers are so short.....
6 hours ago