I painted my toe nails this morning as I am now wearing sandals almost daily.....I also started using Vaselines 'Ultra Glow' a mosituriser that is also a self tanner...- the pot says that it takes a week to work but I woke up this morning looking tanned.....and witha white line around the edge of my face (lol!) so I have had to 'patch things up'.......its obviously good stuff anyway and has stopped me looking all pale and uninteresting ;)
After breakfast this morning, Sam and I came home for a quick stop-off...the electrician was here but was busy down the well so we left him to it and headed back out to get Abby from preschool...because of the gorgeous weather, the preschool had been for a walk to the lake and spent the rest of the time playing in the playground....I took Sam on the swings and watched Abby on the monkey bars before we headed home.....
I made the children lunch (I wasn't hungry after having breakfast out) and then the children played on the porch while I ran the vacuum round and then washed the floors.....then I sat on the porch for ten minutes and read some of The Old Schoolhouse magazine that arrived today - its a Christian homeschooling magazine that I won a years subscription too...its a little too CHristian for me but some of the articles are ok......I wouldn't bother paying for it though.....
Then I cleared up another section of the yard - its now free of dog poop and garbage YAY!!! Just a small section left to do and the Spring clean-up is done!
Abigail let Charlie out for a run around and lunch...and then we headed off for a walk....
We really are so lucky to have all of this land to walk on - not only ours, but our neighbours 80 acres (she lets us walk on her land with the dogs etc as they just grow hay) and I love how much my children know about nature just through living here...Abigail spotted some deer tracks so we decided to follow them for as far as we could...it was really fun - at times it seemed the tracks had stopped so we had to look around to see which direction the deer had gone.....
Sam got tired after all his activity today,, so we headed home and they just had some juice and are now watching a movie ....I expect to find Sam asleep on the sofa shortly - and maybe even Abby! All this fresh air is so good for them!
Dan phoned at lunchtime to say he is coming home tonight - so he is meeting Lloyd outside of his office at 4pm....
Not sure what I am doing for dinner yet.......I do know though that this evening Lloyd has to work on his business accounts ready for the accountant to do the taxes...which means I may just scrapbook :) And maybe I will go out for a walk at dusk with Dan to see if we can see any deer or wildlife :)
2 hours ago