On the Global news this morning I saw a piece about an English man named Joseph Dobbie. He met a girl at a bbq that he really liked. So he emailed her and declared his feelings. What did she do? She forwarded said email to her sister, who forwarded it to friends....and as often happens...it ended up worldwide on the net, on the news, in the papers......
They say he is a laughing stock (although many thousands of emails to him since show otherwise IMO as many women have asked for dates)
They say he is a dork for sending this email. Why? Its open and honest and sweet and shows (to me at least) that he would be an open and honest and sweet and caring partner/ boyfriend/ husband. I constantly see on forums messages from women moaning about the way their husbands treat them.....yet when a sweet caring man comes along people think he's a dork.
I'm not interested in the tough lad thing....the ones that like to go out to the bars or follow their hobbies constantly or never help with the kids and never discuss feelings and aren't romantic...I left that all behind when I left school. Now I just want a man who treats me with love and respect, who talks about how he feels and shows how much he cares and loves for me and our children.
I'm disgusted by thirtysomething single women these days that they would globally humiliate a man so caring and so open about his feelings....why? because he doesn't look like Tom Cruise? Because he isn't a millionaire? Why exactly would that bitch do that?
You can read the story here:
Ok jumping off of soapbox now.
10 hours ago