5 days ago
Feb 3, 2010
Random Dozen
1. Do you use the labels various charities send you as “free gifts?”
I don't remember getting any???? Maybe I support the wrong charities...but World Vision seems to send us seeds and we tend to get sent Christmas cards etc instead from other charities..... are labels a US thing?
2. What is your favorite time of day (or night) for skywatching?
sunset, but I also look out just before I go to sleep, to see if I can see the stars.
3. What is the most adventurous you've ever been with trying a new food?
I've tried snails and caviar. Since watching them being cooked (twice now) I would try prairie oysters if offered.
4. Have you ever heard a rock sing? (Trust me, there's a reason for this one!)
does whistling count??? they whistle in the heat of the fire...
5. If you could learn a language you don't presently speak, what would it be?
6. Al Capone's tombstone read, “My Jesus, Mercy.” If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say?
I wouldn't bother. I think it's all a waste of time and money. throw me on the bonfire and save the money. then use the money for a holiday/ party!!
7. If you were a famous musician who was known by one name, like “Cher,” “Sting,” or “Jewel,” what would it be? It doesn’t have to be your first name, but it can be, if you’d like.
8. Have you ever been inordinately “into” a television show?
Every September we buy Greys on dvd and watch about 3 episodes a night until we're through. Does that count? Apart from that we don't watch tv really. I guess I liked Brookside many years ago...or Grange Hill as a child - and Fame!!!
9. When you sneeze, do you go big, or do you do that weird “heenh!” sound that makes people think you’re going to blow your brains out? Any other variation we should know about?
I just sneeze....Lloyd sneezes about ten times and sounds like a motorbike lol!
10. Do you still read an actual newspaper that you hold in your hands, or do you get your news elsewhere?
I read the local free paper when I manage to pick one up. Otherwise I just watch the local news on tv.
11. Are you a good speller?
Mostly. Bad at typing though!
12. At what time each day do you start thinking about lunch?