Feb 3, 2010

A day at Vals....

On Monday Val and I were desperate....Val had been awake since 6:30am with her Grandson and was bored by 9am and desperate for company!!  I had had no sleep and was grouchy!  I was desperate to get out of the house so that I wouldn't be a complete witch all day - and so I wouldn't have to face chores all day while too tired and grumpy!  

A perfect pair :)

I threw chicken in the crockpot, packed a bag of essentials and headed out to Vals for the day!  the weather was bad - having snowed for days - and still snowing, but as Val could be considered a 'neighbour' in acreage terms, it is easy to get there and stress free as you don't even have to touch the highway - it's really just a couple of lanes/ back roads away!!  I let her know when I was leaving so she could have the coffee on ready :)  I supplied the vanilla syrup :)

One of the things we did at Vals was that she attempted to teach us to crochet!  It turns out that we had been almost doing it right - thanks to the dvd that Rhona sents us, we had been on the right track - but I think we had been putting the hook in slightly the wrong place - in the v instead of the top of the stitch....BUT even though we kind of know how to do it now - both Abigail and I agree that crochet seems a bit fiddly!  It seems to take forever!  And until you get going - like REALLY going, it looks such a MESS!!!  I think thats why I thought I was getting it wrong - because mine kept looking such a mess when I did that second row!  It was just a blob!  

I could have knitted 20 rows by the time you've just done a couple of crocheted rows!  Or maybe I'm just not getting it!  Val did show us a really fancy rosette type thing though that she crocheted - and she did help us a lot - but since we got home, Abigail has reverted to knitting - and using the crochet hooks to weave with!!  they are handy for pulling the wool through the loom!

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