10 hours ago
Jul 27, 2009
Berry picking....
On Sunday we spent the day out and about enjoying the gorgeous weather. One of the things we did before heading home, was we stopped off at a U-pick farm and learned all about Saskatoon berries! We have been here 7 years almost and had never tried Saskatoon berries! we had wanted to go strawberry picking bt you have to be up so early to do that and several of the non irrigated farms have lost their entire crop this year. The farmer at this farm joked that we hurt his feelings when we weren't interested in Saskatoon berries - he said we should come on down and learn about them!! So we gave him another call and said we would!!!
We ended up having a really great time there and they were so child friendly that we will definitely be going back! He joked that they don't weigh the kids going in or out so you can basically eat as many as you like while you're picking, and they are soooooooo SWEET!!! I had thought they would be like blueberries which I only like in muffins (lol) but these are soooo much BETTER!!! Yummy!!!
The guy that runs the place (Will) walked us over to the best place and showed us all how to pick them and gave us some secrets to cook with them and was chatting away to the kids.....they gave them all freezies at the end too....we came away with 5 buckets full for just $15!!! :) And we had had sooooo much fun!!! What a great way to spend a sunny afternoon!!! :)