21 hours ago
Mar 31, 2013
Easter Day at our place....
Happy Easter everyone!
We are having a lovely relaxing day at home. We started with brunch outside which is one of our traditions:
We painted eggs, made snacks that are traditional for us, played an easter game and Abigail took pictures of her doll for an Easter contest:
Poor little eggy cracked up:
Les Miserables
On Monday evening, Abigail and I headed off to see Les Miserable at the movie theatre. I had heard so many amazing reviews and was told how people had been to see it several times and had cried through the whole thing.
I have to say I was very disappointed in the movie. I didn't cry all the way through - cried a little at the end but thats all...I'm glad I went to see it, but have to admit I found it boring in places - even the sings didn't impress me - there was only one memorable song.
We did see the sun setting by the refineries on the drive to the theatre though :)
Mar 30, 2013
Nanny Spicer....
My Grandmother, Nanny Spicer, sadly died last week. She was 101 years old and would've been 102 in July. I feel lucky that I was able to visit with her in 2009, with my two youngest children. We were able to get some photographs of us all and I felt then that I had said my goodbyes.
I am very glad that I can say that Sam and Abby met their Great Grandmother, who lived to such a grand age...and can tell them how we surprised her...and how Sam hid in her closet for a long while as he was shy. Eventually he came out and they chatted and winked and whistled at each other :)
Despite having lived in two different places since her cottage, it is the cottage that I remember most - with the little round caravan (trailer) to play in, and their donkey 'Skippy' in the field. And of course Sasha, their black lab who I loved to take for walks.
There are many times Abigail will pull a certain face and it reminds me of Nanny - so I know that Abby looks somewhat like her....
I just finished reading the book 'The One Hundred Year Old Man who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared' - and so in my mind, that is what Nanny has done - climbed out of the window, disappeared and headed for new adventures :)
Mar 29, 2013
Science week at our place!
This weeks main focus seems to have been science....from learning about Stalactites and stalagmites, columns and crystals growing in caves......to polymers, osmosis, photosynthesis and colour. We have done all kinds of fun and crazy science experiments here at home!
(will add more text tomorrow)
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