Chatting with the Homesteader was fascinating....she has just arrived from Winnipeg with her husband.....they sleep beneath the wagon at night because it is too narrow for them to sleep in.....they have brought very little with them.....and have Ox to pull the wagon as they will be of more use on the homestead...she hopes to have a wonderful homestead set up within 3 years......she was telling me how she was one of very few women to come along with her husband...often the men would come alone to buy land and build a simple homestead before returning to Ontario or Winnipeg or wherever...to bring their family with them.....How awful to be away from your husband for years like that! I just can't imagine! What a life!
Land was cheap!!! $10 for 160 acres!! If only........Lloyd says he plans to build a time machine and go back in time to buy land!! Then come back to now :)
The children enjoyed pony rides on the homestead....