10 hours ago
Jul 21, 2006
Up close and personal
THIS is why I so love where we live........THIS is what it's all about.......seeing wildlife in our own back yard. Up close and personal with this provinces amazing wildlife.
We placed a salt lick in the back field last Fall and animals have often licked it......we see tracks and signs...but rarely do we see animals there and even more rarely do they hang around for me to grab my camera, the right lense and get into position....
But this beautiful stunning amazing creature took the time to hang around and lick the salt block and nibble the berries and plants........and when I walked up closer to it, it just posed perfectly for the camera before hopping away across our side field......
I haven't sorted through the hundreds of pictures yet and I know I wnat to keep the best for a local photographic competition...but here are a couple.....
THIS is why I love living here so much.