We were hoping to see Christie and her crew today but sadly they had to cancel....so we jumped in the car and went to the lake instead. We stopped at the playground for a while first and then walked from there to the lake........the children could spend hours throwing stones into the water and making them skip.....or drawing and writing in the sand with sticks..............we also collected many gorgeous leaves for activities tomorrow......................
I took a few pictures at the playground and then my camera switched off....batteries were dead!! They don't last five minutes in my little point and shoot! ggggrrrr so the pics above are the only ones I have!
This morning we started a new timetable for computer use........9am until 10am is Susie, 10am until 11am is Chris......11am until 12pm is Laurie and from 12pm onwards is my time BUT when I am not using it someone else may, including Abigail.............that is of course only for those days when we are at home......normally three days a week................it worked well!
The children also helped me just soooooo much in the basement helping me prepare the studio...they did a lot of lifting and carrying and sorting................they worked hard so they deserved the time at the lake :)
After the lake we stopped at our local store for some surprise candy bags :) For 50c you can buy little brown bags filled with candy but you just never know what you'll get :) they love those!
I think I'm all caught up now.....well, except for the other pictures from Banff that I still have to add but never seem to find the time!