So on Monday evening we drove out to Elk Island Park for a barbecue and to take some pictures of the sunset over Astotin Island and Lake.............it was lovely and quiet there.....and soon after we arrived everyone left anyway as it was the night before 'back to school day' so most families didn't have the luxury of a relaxing evening............
We set up our picnic by the playground and the children had the whole place to themselves to play and run about.................Lloyd built the fire while I went for a wlak to photograph the sunset..............by the time I got back the fire was roaring and the burgers were well on their way to being cooked :)
We had Smores after the burgers and it was just a really nice evening.......after the sun went down we enjoyed listening to all the animal noises in the park and watching more and more stars appear in the sky................
As you can see, Sam loves the swing!