My sister Clare has this 'thing' about meeting famous people...she likes to have her picture taken with them, get their autograph/ signed book and give them a kiss!!!! Wah!!!! we are soooo different lol but it is fun to see the pictures! She has kissed Alan Titchmarsh, Handy Andy...among others and next week is going to see Gordon Ramsey (from Kitchen Nightmares and Hells Kitchen) as he is signing books in her town. So she will get a kiss and a picture :)
Anyway, we were talking about this and I said that the only person I had any interest in meeting was Daryl Benson...the photographer from Sherwood Park who is my IDOL!!!! My Mum had given me the money for his book while visiting last year and I wnated to wait for a book signing.....well earlier this year (I know I've blogged this before) he was signing books at Costco and I was soooooo excited!! I walked past him twice all nervous before gettingt he courage to go and chat with him about photography, cameras, his book etc etc..............
I didn't ask for a kiss and I didn't get my picture because that just isn't my kind of thing but I got my book signed and got to talk photography with a hero!!!!
3 hours ago