Christie is it weird that I always think of you now when I think of knickers????????
I went to La Senza yesterday and spent a ridiculous amount of money on knickers....I wear thongs and to pay quite that much for quite so little fabric breaks my heart.......
But my knickers were all grey and holey and lately there has been more hole than underwear so I HAD to throw them away and buy new..............
I love buying things in underwear stores though because they wrap it all up so nicely in tissue paper and put them in those posh little gift bags with string or ribbon handles!!! It makes you feel special :)
So now I'm ok for knickers for the next 10 years ;)
Did I buy panties???????????????? NO!!!! Panties are for old men in raincoats to keep in their pockets and sniff lol..................I wear KNICKERS!!!!! ;)
22 hours ago