I love three day weekends :)
Yesterday I had a photo shoot in the morning...went well thankfully.....it was over in 40 minutes so nice and easy....the little boy was smiley and happy to pose.....he was only 11 months old but looked more like 2!!!! Very cute.
After that we drove over to Toys R Us so Laurie could spend his birthday money...we picked up a couple more sleds too.......I will take a picture of the thing Laurie bought....
Someone had vomited all over the floor in the softtoy area....and no one was cleaning it up....countless people walked through it YUCK! So I went and told someone that there should be a sign at least until it can be cleaned up......someone could slip and hurt themselves and it was disgusting! They got on the phone to get someone to clean it....
After that we went to buy some snow pants for Lloyd and I so we can quad warmly.....
Home again and I edited the pictures from that days shoot and then we sat and watched The Wizard of Oz with Susie...........we had dinner (new potatoes, zucchini (courgettes) and chicken breasts)
Lloyd and I watched Little People BIg World and then went to bed...........
It wasn't a very good Saturday really...dull.....much of the time sat in the car stuck in traffic...South Ed Common and Calgary Trail are a nightmare on Saturdays....I don't think they thought ahead when they designed South Ed Common...the road system is hopeless for so much traffic...they need to change the junctions to more 4 way stops to keep the traffic flowing.....
22 hours ago