So we had chicken taco's with a broccoli salad for supper...the girls are now at dance....although Lloyd has gone to pick them up so they will be home doubt they will show me what they have learnt today..............I have been curled up on my big chair reading books with about a bear on a about things to do in the snow, and one called the Shimmery Glimmery bedtime book......
Which reminds do you spell pyjamas? I have always spelled it pYjamas...but since living here everyone spells it pAjamas.....and it started making me think I was spelling it wrong...but the book we have (a British book) spells it that must be the British way of spelling it................but then I thought Canadian spellings were the same as British as in colour/ favourite............
But I guess not because the Canadians I know spell it the US way pAjamas..........
So yes I have been reading with Sam, I did a couple of loads of laundry (fun fun fun) and am waiting for Lloyd to get back.....oh I sat on my bed and ate a ton of Halloween candy too.....
Lets forget all about that!! A VERY wise person last week said that the miniature candies are calorie free anyway ;)
I plan to finish off Mitch Alboms book this evening...........
23 hours ago