Today is also the 3rd birthday of my Ex's little girl Ella-Paige. I remember this only because she was born the day of Mandy's accident - and my ex had not even bothered to tell his children he was expecting a child! I remember writing to congratulate him and his wife Lucy - and to say how it was so nice to hear such good news after coping with Mandys accident.
We sent a big parcel to congratulate them and asked for some pictures so the children could see their new sister. He finallly sent a few pictures of her as a baby - but they have had nothing since or heard any news of her at all.......
I had an email from him yesterday saying he was off to London and wouldn't be back until Thursday - working away again - on his DD's birthday....his priority is still work - he has not learnt at all that his children are small for such a short time......he still doesn't make being with them a priority.
He has not changed at all.
I am eternally grateful that I am no longer in that relationship.
That said, I do wish little Ella a very Happy 3rd birthday from her siblings - even if they have never met and have no idea what she looks like - in fact when he does remember to send a birthday card to any of his older children he doesn't even sign his wifes name or his daughters name.......
How weird is that?????
23 hours ago