The children started school this morning...they were supposed to go by bus but the bus company didn't sort it out so I had to drive them in snow and freezing rain...nasty......and the driveway was covered in snow - I couldn't even see Lloyds tyre tracks...I didn't know where to turn or anything......and they hadn't told me the rules for drop off or anything so I have no idea if I parked in the wrong place or should have been so close to the buses or whatever......
The school also didn't send the supplies lists so I had no idea what to get them...we bought a few things yesterday and that will have to do until I go shopping again......
Abigail has been a little lost today without her siblings....right now she has my left arm in a sling and is bandaging me up.....has written me a prescription...her diagnosis is that I am a little bit not healthy, that I've been eating a bit too much junk and that the cure is to sleep for two days and then have another check up......soiunds good to me :)
Abby and Sam played with the playdough for a while, Abby did some of her 'schoolwork' (a Disney activity book with wordsearches etc etc) and she helped me make lunch......Sam played with his cars and garage while I packed away all his clothes from the holiday.......
I did some laundry and cleaned up after Charlie....fed the animals......cleaned the kitchen, pottered about...ordered some photographs from Disney....blogged, chatted to Mum on phone.....briefly to Dad.......spoke to the Principal, spoke to the bus driver, spoke to the school again and spoke to Lloyd SEVERAL times :)
Its been a weird's gone fast but I feel like I'm waiting for something to I can't settle to anything...I miss the noise and chaos of homeschooling and I miss having the children here to talk to, to help, to 'be' with.....they're good company....................
Charlie is wandering about the place......he's happy to have us home!
Now Abigail is playing with the digital thermometer...taking temperatures under my arm and under my tongue......I haven't explained you can stick it up your bum too lol - not sure I'll teach her that yet in case she wants to try it on Sam!!!! And now she is checking my reflexes....OUCH!!!!! Hard to type witha thermometer under your arm...I think Abby is going to be a Doctor.....maybe a Greys Anatomy Doc lol....coz you know that shows real right??????? ;)
23 hours ago