I can't add pictures right now for some reason, so I will do that later..and I may as well blog instead....
Today turned out to be a lovely day....preschool was fun...we made spiders from egg cartons, did workbooks with the children, played games outside and then played in the playground.....it went fast and was uneventful which is a good thing when you have 20 preschoolers! I don't have to work on Thursday after-all...at least they don't think so, if I don't, then I will go and watch Laurie in the track meet in town (it was postponed from Monday because of the wind (?????) must have bene worse in town as it didn't seem that bad here...
After preschool, we came home and had lunch and then went back outside for the afternoon...we let the chickens out, let Charlie out....planted more things in the vegetable garden.....watered everything (animals AND plants!!)......Abigail collected the eggs.
Then we went for a walk down to the road...I took my camera and took some pictures of the blossom on the apple tree, the children sat amongst the dandelions.........
We came back to the house and I gave Sam a big bowl of water on the porch so he could mix it all into his sand in the sand table.....he had soooo much fun getting all mucky and making sand pies......
I sat on the porch and read for a while and took some more pictures.....then the children came home from school and we all sat on the porch and ate Philly Swirl popsicles (0 points on WW......not that I am doing WW but I thought that was interesting)
Lloyd came home from work and dinner is in the oven.......after dinner we will go back outside and work on the vegetable garden some more.....
more later - with pics I hope!!!