May 19, 2007

The first four minutes.....

Honor the four most-important minutes of the day. The moment when you first see your spouse – whether it’s in the morning or when you get home from work – dictates how the rest of your time together is going to go. So instead of bombarding them right away with questions about chores and bills, take 4 minutes to ask “How are you?” or “How was your day?” When you take the time to connect on a personal level, it makes a huge difference because it shows you care. So take 4 minutes to chat, then you can ask about dinner or the cable bill.

This morning I had a website recommended to me...its and its great!! They have podcasts and articles...and this month is 'Passion and purpose' month....

One of their articles was about marriage and it mentioned the above....and I was thinking about the first thing Lloyd and I do when we see each other each day....

Sometimes it is early in the morning around 6am when Lloyd is going off to work...I will wake up when he brings my coffee in to me and we hold each others hands and kiss each other goodbye......and I always say 'drive carefully'....

Other days it is around 4:30pm when Lloyd gets home from work......and most days we greet each other with a big hug in the kitchen......

Of course not all days are that easy - we have days when the kids are driving me nuts and see Lloyds arrival as my excuse to escape for a few minutes peace.....but most days we meet with a hug...often a long hug until Sam comes over and yells 'MY Daddy' and pushes me away lol!

And then Sam makes Lloyd take his shoes and coat off so he is sure Daddy isn't going anywhere else!

I thought this article was interesting because although I have read much on relationships and watched many shows on tv about the topic, I have never heard the 'first four minutes' thing mentioned before but when I think about it, its right...those first four minutes can set the tone for the rest of the evening/ day.......and they ARE important.........
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