Hi Louise! We don't have M&S here in Canada - they used to but I was told that the last one closed a year or so before we arrived in Canada. I think they sold a little food and some clothes etc - not sure what else but I don't think they were quite like the M&S stores back home....
The Thomas sweater was a gift from Lloyds parents.....the children get quite a few clothes from M&S as gifts from Grandparents or as hand-me-downs from my Sisters Son Isaac.
A lot of Canadian Moms I know look on Ebay for Next, Monsoon and M&S childrens clothing to buy used and have sent over - its really popular because its a little different to the clothing here and for the most part the clothing they sell here is really poor quality.
We've had quite a few comments on Sams Thomas sweater....oh and thats another thing thats different - here in Canada Thomas is called Thomas the Train!!!!!! I still find that weird - I'm so used to Thomas the Tank Engine lol! It took me a while to figure out what a caboose was over here.....(a train carriage). Considering they speak English here for the most part, its still like learning a whole new language....but we're getting there and right now I kind of speak a blend ;)
23 hours ago