Jan 29, 2008

Bubble blowing...

My friend Jennifer sent this recipe for bubble mixture to the homeschool group....so we tried it out straight away:

Since the weather is perfect for it around here, I thought I'd mention a
cool yet very simple science activity which we discovered last winter:
crystal bubbles!

Essentially, if you blow some bubbles outside on a cool but sunny day, you
can watch crystal patterns form on them as they freeze!

Here's my favourite bubble recipe, in case anyone wants one (It's from The
Ultimate Book of Kid Concoctions):

About 10 cups of water
1/2 cup corn syrup
1 cup dish soap (the brand matters. . .Ivory and Dawn were the best of those
we've tested)

You need to mix the syrup in thoroughly before adding the dish soap.

Jennifer K

so we had a go :) Laurie froze out on the porch blowing bubbles and then I went outside with my camera to snap the pictures - but omg that is sooo cold out there!
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