The new year has got off to a great start.
Monday we went swimming and out for lunch for S's birthday. It was a good way to start the week and I really like going on Monday BUT the pool was so much busier than when we go on Tuesdays so I'm not sure what to do each week....
This week A has done so much work....her reading continues to improve at such a pace....she is reading so well using phonetic approaches as well as sight words so she has it figured out in her head really well :)
She has also flown through a workbook on money and coins...and has started a section on measurement. She has worked on a few pages on telling the time too and seems to be doing well thats what we've been up to in math and reading....she has done a little writing - mainly in her reading workbook in which she has been focusing on beginning/ ending and middle sounds...
Craft-wise she made a sun catcher one day...
We have been playing card games BIG time.....Rummy, Crazy 8's, Go fact it would be accurate to say that A is addicted to card games right now!
On Thursday we spent the day decluttering her bedroom - going through all of her clothes, underwear drawers, toy cupboards, book cases etc etc and we ended up with 4 sacks of garbage!!!!!!
A has also spent a lot of time on the computer this week - mainly on Webkinz which she just has helped her reading and math to improve greatly - she enjoys the games and working out how much money she needs to save in order to buy items for her horse.......she also worked out that she could sell certain items in order to save enough money to buy the items she really wanted!
We've been out sledding, took walks....and basically did our normal day to day things's been a great week and I think she's learned so much in just the last few days - not bad considering that Wednesday didn't really exist for me - I was in bed in the dark almost all day with a Daddy got to be in charge all day and had the kids doing playdoh etc etc at the table...and A used the computer that day.....
22 hours ago