MMMmmmmmmm yummy NOT!!!!!!!! :( lol!
Last night just before bed a familiar scent came through the kitchen window....a skunk had sprayed just outside the window!!!!! Charming!!!!!!!
Luckily the dogs were inside! We shut all the windows and Lloyd got his big torch and went outside to check to see what was around - couldn't find anything.
Chris came home from basketball around 10pm and went out to check on Charlie and give her a last drink etc and she was fine - the smell was going by then and we have no idea what the skunk had sprayed....something had obviously upset it though.
The smell doesn't bother Lloyd but it makes me want to throw up!
Normally we only smell it on the highway when a skunk has been squashed by a car.....but this was just outside the house :( Eeeeeeeew :(
22 hours ago