Oct 8, 2008

Harley Davidson - now Harley!

I keep forgetting to post about Harley! I always think that because I can read about it on Vals blog, that EVERYONE knows about it all! Everyone has seen the news and seen the pictures and is up to date on it all! I forget that you all don't know!


So, here is the update! We had two pigs! We got Harley Davidson as a companion for Charlie, thinking they would be good company through the long lonely winter. WRONG! Charlie's leg started to hurt her again and Davidson started to take advantage and started to bite Charlie - drawing blood and actually scarring Charlie quite badly! Charlie became withdrawn and depressed and refused to move for days. We ended up having to separate them totally. Davidson had to go in with the dogs while Charlie healed. The vet came out to see Charlie and even she had no ideas as to what to do differently than what we had tried.

Charlie really was quite depressed.

Anyway, thankfully, Val and her family were more than happy to have Davidson (who they now call Harley) join their family. So several weeks ago, off Harley went to live at the 7Jays ranch where he is totally spoiled and pampered and is loving it :)

Its great that he is somewhere where we still get to see him often! And its funny to see that he has settled in and is doing things in much the same way as Charlie does here - pigs are quite habitual!

And since Harley left, Charlie is a MUCH happier pig all together! No more depression, she is back to roaming around the place again and being her old bossy self!

So much for trying to help her by getting her a companion for the winter - she will just have to make do with the cats going into the workshop to snuggle by the fire (Lloyd bought her a wood burning fireplace to keep her warm this winter!!)

Ok so now I have updated and Val and James can stop complaining that 'their pig' is still on MY blog hahahahahaha ;)
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