I blame a certain someone...and no names mentioned ;) lol!!!! ;) Or maybe its just me and my obsessional nature.....and my dad says thats my Mothers fault!!!!
I'm going to do a quick gratitude post and then go back up to bed and try to go to sleep....
Today I am grateful for:
1. My bravery this past week - In the last week I have driven on Calgary Trail for the very first time - YES - I drove to Toys R Us last Friday!!! OMG I think Lloyd was as shocked as I was but I DID it.....and Lloyd STUPIDLY said, well done, now you've done it once you can do it whenever you like..which basically means he's given me free reign to SHOP!!!! ;) Crazy guy ;) This week I also drove to Staceys house despite my fear of turning left across 50th St!!! She told me a way to get back where I could use traffic lights to turn left woohoo so no worries there and I had a great time at her place. And then today I drove to Tess's house WAAAAAAY up on 136th Ave - I mean thats practically Fort McMoney!!!!! Now I did have to take a Maxalt after each and every one of these drives but it was soooo worth the migraine every time :) I DID IT!!!! :)
2. Not having carpet in the living room - because the cat vomited in there today and if it had been carpet I would have had to scrub it for ages and because it was laminate, I was able to wipe it up in a couple of minutes and give it a quick spray of stuff afterwards.
3. Lloyd for making dinner two nights running.....pasta last night and butter chicken tonight! Yummy both nights - thank you baby! Last night I was in the bath getting rid a of a migraine and tonight he just planned to make his butter chicken.
4. All the waves and blown kisses I get from the children as they walk down the driveway towards the school bus in the mornings....
What are YOU grateful or today?
23 hours ago