Laurence has been in his Junior High Drama Club this year and last night was their end of year performance. They put on a day time show on Thursday morning, an evening show last night and then will be showing it to a number of schools in the area.
It was a series of short plays where each one has a moral about being yourself. It was wonderful - the plays were so funny and enjoyable! Well acted and interesting and the moral of each story worth thinking about! Laurence played a poor fisherman who wanted to keep his wife happy. She even slapped him at one point - she REALLY slapped him too :) He caught a mermaid who granted him three wishes and his wife chose bigger and bigger houses.....the poor fisherman just wanted his wife to be happy but she never was!
Well done everyone!!!
After the plays they served free dessert and coffee in the cafeteria and had free plants to give to each school volunteer as a thank you for all their help through the school year. :)