10 hours ago
Jul 28, 2009
Sam - by Laurence....
And me. Oh and if you're wondering WHY I was out there on my laptop - I HAD been on my own by the fire pit - enjoying some peace and quiet - catching up on my blog time and computer time as I hadn't been on the computer for a few days. Lloyd and Laurie were working on the treehouse, the girls were on their quad bikes, everyone was busy doing their thing, so I was catching up with my blog etc......enjoying some me-time. Then everyone kind of came over and invaded MY me time!!!!!! So now I wasn't being anti-social and using the laptop during family time lol!!!!! They were being antisocial and doing family stuff during my ME TIME hahahahaha!!! How dare they!!! ;) Anyway my laptop battery died very quickly so I had to give up anyway ;)