Yesterday was a disastrous day.....Sam was not at preK last week, so we missed the letter saying that yesterday was his Halloween party.
We get to PreK and everyone has costumes on AND treats to share!! So the teacher offers him costumes to borrow and he isn't interested. So I offer to go home and get HIS!! Abby and I go home and hunt for three different costumes for him to pick from. WE then run to the local store and get treats. Then back to PreK. He refuses to wear ANY of the costumes (very unlike him).
Abby and I do some shopping for some things she wants (glitter pens she used at the Haunted Pumpkin Festival etc) then we relaxed in Starbucks over hot chocolates :)
I got a call from Pre K at lunch time to say Sam wasn't well and he was falling asleep!! I guess that was why he was so grumpy about his costume that morning!!! So I went and picked Sam up and he really wasn't well - hadn't eaten anything at all and wasn't interested in any of his treats or toys or anything from the Halloween party :(
Through the evening his fever got worse and was 39.4 for the evening even with Advil. The only thing he ate was two freezies. Abby started feeling unwell in the afternoon and was taking Advil too. Chris had been home for the day too.
We all curled up and watched Transformers but Sam and Susannah fell asleep through it which isn't like them at all. Sam slept with us last night so we could keep an eye on him. It was really unusual for us to have a family movie night midweek, but it was nice too - Sam was stretched out on the sofa - just flopped.
We don't get sick very often - we eat so many fruits and vegetables and home cooked meals wit lots of garlic and we are all taking our extra garlic and multi vitamins and our extra vitamin C. We all have our hand sanitizers in our pockets and I have it around the house too.
I don't think we have the flu - I don't think thats what this is....unless we only have it mild because we are fighting it off......but we all feel 'off' - aching necks, headaches.....but none of the typical flu symptoms....nothing 'cold-like'.......we don't feel 'ill' just exhausted.....like there is 'something'.........not sure if that makes sense....but anyway we continue to take all our supplements and eat really well and continue with good hygiene as always and being extra careful!!!
This morning Sams temperature is better but he still isn't himself :( a little too easy to cry. He has asked for his candy already though - so thats a good sign ;)