4 days ago
Oct 28, 2009
I broke my baby!!!
On Monday I was picking up my laptop and it slid from my hands and the screen smashed into the stupidly big plug that Macs come with. I was heartbroken! As you can see - it was completely wrecked! I phoned Lloyd at work and called him out of a meeting to tell him! He of course didn't even say a thing - just told me it didn't matter - and that it was an accident - which made me burst into tears and yell that it DOES matter and him being all nice didn't help and I had just wasted all that money and my course starts next week and I BROKE MY BELOVED MAC!!!!!! :(
I was a tad pathetic :(
I wasn't feeling well and my back was still hurting from last week.....and so this was just the LAST thing I needed!!! I was so sad!
Lloyd set it up with another monitor when he got home and that worked but was really weird - and then he said we should head out for some groceries! But instead we pulled up at Best Buy!!! And he shocked me by buying me a new baby!! So now I have a teeny tiny really cute MacBook Pro which is much easier for me to carry around - the 15" was soooo heavy and bulky - but this 13" is dinky and he bought me a pink bag for it to keep it safe :) So I can still do my course without having to bring up the big table top Mac from downstairs.
Lloyd is going to try and get the screen fixed from the broken Mac as everything else on it works - so he is going to see if you can get them replaced.....
It made me so sad to see the broken screen on the Mac :(