Oct 17, 2009

Beekeeping class....

Yesterday I ran the homeschooling club at the library. I did a session on bees for 1 1/2 hours. It went well I think and there were 28 of us. We had various tables set up. I took several bees and a wasp (all dead and the children got to look at these through a microscope and through magnifying glasses. We had another table set up with two frames of honeycomb and honey as well as a jar of shop bought pasteurized honey. There were sticks and the children could poke at the comb and taste the honey and taste the difference between natural honey and treated honey from the store. They loved poking about in the frames :)

We had a bee themed board game/ spelling game. A table with coloring sheets and story books and plenty of quizzes, and information sheets/ booklets etc etc. It was a very 'hands on' session. Oh and I also had a table with beekeeping equipment on it for the children to try on, touch etc etc.

I think it was a success :)
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