Dec 10, 2009

Thursday Thirteen.....

Thirteen Things I hope to do before Christmas....

1.  Take Abigail to her last gymnastics class today.

2.  Go and see Susannah in her Christmas concert tonight - I am told she is the new Rihanna....she sings in the concert and is one of the lead parts in the concert and after the concert yesterday she was told constantly by people that she is going to be the new Rihanna lol.....she came home VERY happy....her brother came home rolling his eyes because he was tired of people going up to him and telling him how great his Sister was - he was NOT impressed - he told her she sings like a man ;)   Ooooh sibling love ;)  Susannah plays a CTV news reporter in the concert.

3.  Have a day out with Lloyd on Saturday.  Chris will spend the next two days at the Legislature taking part in a mock-Legislature, so after dropping him there early there on Saturday, we plan to spend the day out together- have a festive lunch somewhere and just enjoy a day out.

4.  Enjoy next Tuesday when Lloyd has a day off :)

5.  Go and see A Christmas Carol next week :)

6.  Go to Staceys  open house!!

7.  get caught up with my Christmas journal tomorrow!

8.  Have a gingerbread house making party with the kids and their friends.

9.  Have a lovely visit with Val and her family.

10.  Ring the bells for the Salvation Army Kettle

11.  Get a new paper trimmer because mine got broken by a certain someone....

12.  Stay healthy and have everyone else stay healthy for Christmas

13.  Make the Rice Krispy Christmas cakes and decorate those with the kids AND the gumdrop wreaths....and Susannahs candies for her friends - none of which can be made until next week - we have everything all set to go so we should be fine.....

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