Feb 6, 2010

Susannahs birthday fun!

Last night was Susannah's birthday celebration!  She had two good friends back to our place for the afternoon and they all helped decorate the cake she had chosen....they spent a few hours dancing and singing and trying on clothes, putting on make up and generally being girly etc etc I think they watched some Glee too....and then when Lloyd got home we had the birthday cake.  Then they headed out to the bowling alley.  Sounds like they had a total blast there - flirting with some boys there (much to her Dads dismay I may add) and getting the DJ to play them songs....and trying to beat Lloyds bowling score.....they had supper at the bowling alley too

After the bowling they had to head downtown to pick Chris up from a big Cheer event he was attending and filming - so Susannah got to show her friends her Junior High School (if she gets accepted).

They dropped one friend home, who sadly couldn't stay over, and then headed back here just before 11pm.  

Laurence was sleeping over at his friends for another night, so I had had a quiet evening at home with Abby and Sam - we curled up with treats and watched The Wizard of Oz.
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