May 11, 2010

Porcupines and other 'creatures' with quills ;)

Last night Lloyd and I went to watch Susannah sing in her Choir was so lovely....I especially loved when they sang 'I Believe'....

Afterwards I had to take Susannah somewhere briefly, and Lloyd went back to the house to spend some time with the children.....and then Susannah and I went back to join them.  When we got home there was quite a fuss going on because there was a porcupine in the wood where Sam and Abby have their 'den'.....

Lloyd took me down to see the porcupine and it was fun trying to get close enough to get a picture and Lloyd clambering in the trees to get a picture of it from the front (not possible lol) and Abby was crying because she thought the kitten was going to die cause he was sniffing the porcy lol!

It was a lot of fun - kind of crazy and like the good old times when we were a real family :)  

We got Sam inside and bathed him together and chatted and stuff and I made Lloyd a sandwich and then it was time for him to go and he told me how great he thought I was doing - how much better than himself (this is true) and that he was proud of how great I am doing......

But actually I didn't need to hear that from him - it didn't feel that important coming from him - and that felt even MORE important....because really - I am proud of ME :)  I am proud of how much I have changed in a few short weeks - of how much I have coped with and how much I have done....and how much I am facing......

The worst I could have imagined happened - and you know what?  I'm ok :)  

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