Jul 3, 2010

Saturday Meme

Accent - English, slight Somerset, touch of Surrey, touch of Stockport (especially when around Samantha), and a little bit of Canadian which is only really noticed by friends and family back home I think....
Booze of choice - Bacardi Breezers, Tia Maria with coke, Baileys with ice, wine with 7Up in it, Becks, various other drinks....lol!!

Chore I hate - Ironing.  But I never do that so it doesn't count lol - probably cleaning toilets YUCK!!!
Dog or Cat - both - they are both lovely :)
Essential electronics - iphone and macbook - love them both :)
Favorite perfume(s)/cologne(s) -I wear two different ones depending on my mood.  I wear Hot Couture and I wear Obsession.
Gold or Silver? - White gold or Platinum.
Hometown - I'm originally from Yeovil in Somerset, England, but home to me is very much Sherwood Park or Edmonton, Alberta.
Insomnia? - Yes - hence the fact it is 2:30am and I am typing this ;)
Job Title - Homeschooling full time single Mom of 5.  
Kids? - five
Living Arrangement - I live on my own with my five amazing children, two dogs and two cats in a house that I adore - a pretty cape cod style house with a lovely wrap around porch.  I LOVE this home despite the fact that it needs a LOT of work!!!  If I am fortunate enough to get to stay here, I will get to all the work that needs to be done eventually :)

Most admired trait - Probably my positive attitude.  Maybe...I don't know.  Other people would have to answer this...I don't know what I am admired for.  Maybe my positive attitude - not much gets me down really
Number of Sexual Partners - four.  I was married to two of them.....

Overnight Hospital Stays - six
Phobia - A bit of a phobia of heights and spiders.
Quote - Right now I like:  "The Life you have led doesn't need to be the only life you have."

Religion - n/a
Siblings - two sisters, both older.
Time I wake up - late!!  Much too late ;)
Unusual talent/skill - I have a party trick.....it's a good one...best performed in private hahahaha so I guess it's not much of a 'party' trick hahahaha and no I am not videoing it to show you all here ;)
Vegetable I refuse to eat - None. I love ALL vegetables!!!
Worst habit - road rage - yelling, swearing and sticking my finger up at bad drivers and idiots on the road!!
X-rays - I think I've had almost every part of my body xrayed at some time or other!!
Yummy foods I make - I make a LOT of yummy foods - I'm a great cook - I just haven't cooked much lately!!  I need to get back into the routine of cooking.  
Zodiac sign - sun sign is Aquarius!!
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