Jul 30, 2010


Yesterday was really hot so last night Sam and Abby headed off to the splashpark with Daddy to cool off - they had a great time!!!  :)

While they were gone I had my weekly night out at the pub quiz with Samantha...thank you to her Mom for treating me to dinner last night!!!

Naughty Samantha left a note for the guys at the table behind us - they had been looking at us all night and eyeing us up....so she left a note for them saying we were samantha and Jane and were there most weeks and looked forward to seeing them again...and as she walked out the guy smiled and she waved!!  omg!!  What is she like!!  Not a week seems to by without some guy or guys coming to join us lol!!  Sigh...mind you last week it was a 22 year old!!!!!  lol!!

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