May 25, 2011

Wednesday ramblings tag....

 What is something about living in this country that you value?'This country' is whatever country you call home.   I value many things about living in Canada....and in Alberta especially :)  I love that generally our weather is fairly calm...yes we get long cold winters but we don't get lots of heavy wet snow like the East...we don't really get ice storms....we don't often get Summer we get the occasional tornado but thankfully they are few and far between.  Generally all year long we get big blue skies and sunshine :)  I love the amazing friends I have here who are more like family.  I love the quality of life you can have here even on a low budget - and the service you get in restaurants and stores - which is nothing like in the UK.  I love that crowds here aren't like crowds back home.  I love how everyone volunteers and helps out everyone else in difficult times - I love the choices we have in home schooling.  I love how clean it is here.  I love all the festivals all summer long and how almost all are free.

2. What is a favorite something you own that is red and white?  I have a Canadian flag.  I have a t-shirt that I almost always wear on Canada Day and only on Canada Day lol...I have red necklaces that the children and I wear each year on Canada Day - yes we go over the top :)  tattoos and everything!!  :)

3. Do you fly a flag at your house on patriotic holidays?  Yes - not on a flag pole, but we have a big flag that we use to decorate somewhere...we also have other flag decorations around the porch or house and little flags...and we decorate ourselves with tattoos and red and white clothing and necklaces :)

4. What ingredients do you think should be included in a great picnic basket?  Juice, water, watermelon, lovely crisp rolls buttered with ham and tomato or cheese and cucumber etc....strawberries, raw carrots, cucumber and celery, chips,  mini jam tarts or little cakes - anything NOT chocolate so it won't melt.  Much more, but we usually go shopping especially and see what we feel like adding - mini croissants or something maybe....

5. What is one interesting piece of trivia you know? Interesting is of course a relative term.   Sea Cucumbers are fascinating :)  When they are scared, some cucumbers throw out their sticky internal organs to distract any predators. Then they can grow new innards!

6. Wednesday, May 24th is National Escargot day...have you ever tried them? Eww or ooh?   Yes I have.  I ate snails in a  lovely cozy country pub by a fire on Dartmoor in England after a hike with an ex boyfriend and his Grandparents.  I really liked the snails - they were in a  lovely creamy garlicky sauce!!  

7. What is one thing you know for sure?  I am in no rush to get into a new relationship.  I am very much enjoying being single.

8. Insert your own random thought here.  I wonder how long I can keep this blue gatorade down!  I am sooo bored with being sick!

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