Oct 18, 2011


I was supposed to work this afternoon, but when we got there I found out that I wasn't needed for very long, so we spent a while in the playground opposite instead - it was a gorgeous Fall day.  17c and lovely and sunny.  There was a big family of homeschooled children hanging out there and it didn't take long for Sam and Abby to make friends with them.  The Moms came over to chat and were asking about our accents...

I also picked up a big bunch of Oak leaves to use in an art project.

After that we had some errands to run before picking Laurence up from school and heading home.  

The children went tot heir Dads tonight, and I hung out at home and got some work done - I prepped some canvases, worked on my gypsy portrait a little more, and also created a couple of canvases using the oak leaves I picked up today!  :)  

Not quite the day we had planned, but it was nice to ease back into our routine - we also sat and went through my diary together and looked at what the next few weeks have in store for classes/ workshops/ days at home etc etc and figured out when the children can plan playdates or whether in fact they need to as they will be seeing their friends so much at activities anyway!  They start drama tomorrow morning!!
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