Outside My Window... a very starlit sky. It was very pretty driving to and from town. It is also surprisingly warm out still. The weather is so bizarre this winter and so warm. A few bitterly cold days last week especially for Brandy - just to make her feel better about being in Hawaii :) but apart from that it has been so very warm compared to normal - and we have so little snow - there is still grass everywhere! Apart from outside of Lorraine's house today hahaha :)
I am thinking...how nice it will be to have a break from daily classes next week and to do things with Abby and Sam again - science centre and museum field trips etc. They have loved having people here every day - and I WILL have classes planned again very soon - but it will be a nice little interlude too :)
I am thankful for...awareness that this too shall pass. For amazing friends who seem to come into my life just when I need them - and I hope I am there for them too and that they know that xx And a great lawyer - who although I panic sometimes and wonder what the hell he is doing or thinking, he always seems to be on the right track :) Thank goodness I got a good'un :)
From the kitchen...we need to go grocery shopping! Sam is asking for hash brown casserole! Yesterday I made home made potato wedges with vegetables and sausages. Tomorrow maybe a soup or stew. I have plenty of beef to use up. lots of vegetables too. Hhhmmmm
I am wearing...old faded jeans. tshirt and hoody.
I am creating...a birds nest bowl - that is what we made in sculpture class today :) using wool and glue and balloons :) I am also creating some fab art journal pages for my different classes. I can't believe the first childrens course ends tomorrow! Four weeks have FLOWN by!!! :(
I am going... to the Starlite room with darryl this week to see Charlie Winston, which I'm looking forward to :)
I am reading...a magazine I was given for my birthday, a book on gluten free eating that a students Mom has lent me, and coursework for a class I'm taking.
I am hoping...to hear some good news this week about a couple of things....
I am hearing...pipes making noises now that the heating has switched off. Rosie breathing on the bed beside me (not snoring for once). Silence otherwise. Kelly Clarkson singing in my head.
Around the house...life is ticking over.....the house isn't too bad - nothing major needs doing - I need to finish the painting!!
One of my favorite things...my teen art journaling classes :) Oh and Instagram :) I have 105 followers on there now :)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...I have classes tomorrow and Thursday. Thursday we are meeting friends in the afternoon - so looking forward to that! Friday I am not sure but if we have the chance I think we will go to the science centre as we have membership there. What else this week. Oh my night at the Starlite Room with D. Oh and he wants to cook me dinner for my birthday.....oh and fix my car....lol. hhhmmm. Susannah wants to take her learners driving test.
21 hours ago