Feb 10, 2012

Wednesday tag - a day late :)

1. What is something you are loving right now?
The excitement of the new business and how it is growing - discussing it with my partner and seeing the website and hearing people's responses to the classes and to our plans for future classes and the entire community.  
2. Paris, Venice, New York, and Rome are considered four of the most romantic cities in the world. Which one would you most like to visit?
Well, I've already been to Paris and New York.  I'd like to go to Venice.  Rome would be nice too.
3. Are you a romantic?
Yes.  But not overly.  I find too much romance claustrophobic.  
4. What’s your favorite love story made for the Big Screen?
I like City of Angels, When a Man Loves a Woman, You've Got Mail, etc etc...hmmmm I guess I like Meg Ryan ;p
5. Everyone loves Pooh bear and friends…which character are you most like and why?
Tigger.....or Christopher Robin.
6. What’s the best chocolate something you’ve ever eaten?
A moussey choccy dessert from Superstore
7. Share a favorite quote about love.
Love - hahahahahahaha  ;p 
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I hate colds.  I had better feel better tomorrow!!!!
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