21 hours ago
Jan 29, 2013
Happy Birthday - to ME!!!! :)
Yesterday was my birthday! Yippee! I love birthdays :)
I turned 41 yesterday - the last year has just gone sooooo fast!
Incredibly fast!
Yesterday was also my beautiful friend L's birthday :)
And my friends daughter A also had her birthday :)
We had a lazy morning and the children gave me some lovely presents and cards:
Abigail chose a mug with my Truthteller on it. (birds) which was sooo perfect.
What a special mug to drink out of when I need a reminder to listen to the truth!
My lovely friend T dropped round with a gorgeous gift for me - and a hilarious card :)
I took the kids out but didn't tell them where we were going. I pulled up and parked outside of the bowling alley so they figured we were going bowling - which would be fun but not anything 'new'. Then we walked right by the bowling and went next door to the Monster Glow Golf :)
We had a really fun round of mini golf - there was loud music playing, and the staff gave out tickets to anyone they saw dancing! It was songs like Thriller etc - lots of 80's music :) Some of the monster statues came alive, talked, moved, and smoke would blow out of things :) It was very cool!
There were UV lights and so Sams clothing - and Laurences shoe laces, looked REALLY cool!
After the game we stopped off for some lunch together, and then I dropped the kids home. Abigail and I headed out again and went to the Antiques Mall for a stroll around - and some ice cream :)
It was Abigails first time at the Antique Mall - she LOVED it :) She even said today that she thinks we should go more often! :) She found a few things she really liked but in the end she picked a bag of My Little Ponies :)
She enjoyed seeing all the old things though - like toys and telephones. It was a nice chance to talk about recent history:
I saw sooo many swans I really liked, but in the end decided to get 4 little ones for my collection. The purple one is actually a lipstick case!!! The one on the left is a salt cellar, the one on the right is a little sugar bowl - the silver wings open up and inside is a tiny silver spoon! The little one at the front is a tiny German ornament :)
I am very happy with my 'finds' :)
We had a good look at all the old toys and I pointed a few things out from my childhood (yes, in an ANTIQUES mall - I am THAT old hahaha) including this Sindy Doll shower!!! I LOVED my Sindy doll, and my sister Clare also had a lot of Sindy doll things.
Sindy was sooo much prettier than Barbie!
When Abby got home she was straight on skype to chat with her friend, who taught her which Little Pony is which!! She then sat with me and introduced me to all the different ones!
Sam and Susannah played a new game together for AGES:
And we had birthday pie!!! I picked a chocolate cream pie instead of cake because I knew we would be having cake again today for Susannahs birthday. The pie was yummy, and we still put candles in it and the children sang to me:
It was a lovely birthday, lots of fun and a chance to do something for me.
Memories made, pictures taken.
Thank you to everyone for all the birthday love and messages I received.
Jan 28, 2013
Ice on Whyte - 10th Anniversary.
On Saturday we decided to make the most of the good weather, and go and check out the Ice on Whyte Festival. We called in to the farmers market first though, where the girls got some mini doughnuts, and Sam had a caramel apple:
I was a bit disappointed at how few ice sculptures there were this year - there were a couple of snow sculptures too, but it seemed like so much emphasis was placed on the huge snow and ice slide, that they didn't add much else! There was no ice bar for the adults like there had been at the last two ice festivals we went to.
Abigail really enjoyed the ice slide, but had a lot more fun on the slide in the kids area - mainly because there wasn't really a line up!
I am always so amazed by ice sculptures - they really are so beautiful, but unlike glass, these won't last - a bit like cake decorators, you know you are spending all of those hours on a piece of art that will soon be demolished!
I loved the Harley Davidson carved from ice though! Tough enough for the kids to sit on for pictures:
The AMA were sponsoring the childrens area, and they were giving away hand warmers - that was a highlight of the day for the kids I think - they loved them :)
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