Mar 3, 2013

Life at our place lately...

Coffee in my gorgeous Truth Teller mug - that Abby chose for my birthday.

Abigail has been busy making stop motion animations and taking photographs of her doll

I finished the face I was working - one of the last two for the 29 Faces challenge:

Funny girls:

It has been warm enough to sit out on the porch with coffee several mornings:

I've been going through old photographs and feeling the need to journal them more:

Sunny and warm enough for the children to play outside:

My cuddly little boy:

Resting and reading - the new book club I have joined is reading this book and so I am trying to get through it before we meet up to discuss it!

Another month ends and another month is filled with memories on my Project 365 app:

Went to see two movies recently.  Safe Haven and Warm Bodies.  Warm Bodies was a cute movie - much better than Safe Haven lol!  Although the book of Safe Haven was very god.

My last face for the 29 Faces Challenge:

We prepped for a snow storm and ended up only getting a dusting lol. 
 Still, better to be ready just in case:

Lily cuddled in to Abby:

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